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Ami's Experience

by - December 07, 2022


Hi, this is Ami.

I could not participate in the group project interview day,

so I will write about my previous experience visiting Toronto Island.

A man had lived on Toronto Island since he was born.


When I arrived on the island and was looking at a big map in front of the ferry terminal, he spoke to me suddenly, "Go to this place," and then showed me around until I saw the night view and boarded the ferry for the return trip.

I visited with him places he recommended, and he showed me pictures he had taken, we went to see a firefighter he knew, and we played frisbee together.

After seeing the night view, the firefighters gave us honey ginger tea.

The people I met were kind and hospitable, and I felt everyone living on the island knew each other.

All of these were unexpected happenings that made for a beautiful day.

I created a short video of the day, so have a look!

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