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About Us


We are students at the University of Toronto. We decided to participate in this project because we have the same desire for exploring Toronto Islanders lifestyle and their decision to make a living away from the city. To bring this project to life, we protized giving voice to Islanders, leaders of the Toronto Island Park Master Plan, and and anyone who were willing to talk about the topic. We decided to present it as a blog where we could share these findings. This allowed us to not only present information, but also present audio-visual content in one single place. 


Contact Information


Lana Devrisashvili
Student at the University of Toronto
mail: lana.devrisashvili@mail.utoronto.ca

Ami Yamazaki
Student at the University of Toronto
mail: ami.yamazaki@mail.utoronto.ca

Student at the University of Toronto
mail: alyssabing.chen@mail.utoronto.ca

Clara A. Canales Q.
Student at the Academic English Program at U of T School of Continuing Studies
email: claracanalesq@gmail.com

