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Alyssa's Experience

by - December 07, 2022


Hi, this is Alyssa.


My past few days were about how I began to love the Toronto Islands.

Once I arrived on the islands, I thought I was in a village or remote area with rows of old-styled, wood-frame cottages beside one another. Bicycles, carts, baby strollers, and small boats were placed in front of houses.

There are no personal vehicles or stores. The residential community retains its characteristics of tranquility and less development over the years.

Living near the water and habitats for kinds of creations, islanders praise what nature provides them, such as fresh air, unpolluted soil, birds sound, and a squirrel friend.

Friendship also exists among islanders, whether they are of different ages or have blood relationships. They greeted each other with their names and chatted beside the well-maintained asphalted roads. "Most people know each other," one interviewee said. 

The inconvenience of accessing groceries and healthcare can be challenging for residents and bad weather. "Well, you have to get used to it. You need to be hardy and willing to lean into the wind", one lady replied. 

My group members and I took a stroll along the waterfront at the end of my trip. Facing the lake and seeing the CN tower stand, I felt fulfillment and a sense of getaway from my life in an urban city. I love nature, the close neighbour relationship, and recreational activities, such as water sports in summer and skating on a frozen lake in winter. This land is paradise.

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